

No Apologies

I have dreamied this thing for way too long. I am just plum bad at starting conceptual projects, in large part because I enjoy the scheming and planning way too much. Walter Mitty was better at this sort of thing than me, but I aspire to his examples. This one has been a back burner deal for far too long. Since I am now maintaining 3 blogs at work (WorkSmart, Dept. of Redundancy Dept. and Meetings@Intel...not linked cause you can't go there), I figure my truly personal blog is way overdue. So here goes...

So what is this?
Below the Snow is intended to be a personal journal on life in these Sierra foothills.
Gardening, hiking, wildflowers, water and beaches, cooking, reading, words, movies, dumb tricks I teach my computer and sane economic development are a few passions I'd like to share. I'd also like to generate some dialogue on current issues we inhabitants of Planet Earth face. Not sure where this leads, but governance, health care and life in the slow lane come to mind.

And who's listening? Don't particularly care but I certainly will invite friends and acquaintances who are likewise free to pass it along. This ought to, at a minimum, help me avoid the dreaded end of the year letter to the family and friends.